An alternate reality where monsters, supernatural creatures and animal-human hybrids are normal and mostly co-exist with humans.There is still conflict between humans and non-humans, especially in rural communities.Humans and supernatural creatures cannot legally marry in most countries.



modern fantasy playlist + doc created by the absolutely incredible GMOGHOST !!

back to the ioverse

Quick Info
Species: Sea Dragon Demihuman
Nationality: Greek
Age : 30
Height : 6'8", 203 cm
Likes : The ocean, classical music, spicy food
Dislikes : Cold weather, humans, weakness

ABOUTAbel is the eldest son of a wealthy and powerful draconic family rumoured to have connections with the mafia.As a youth he excelled at his studies and was relatively popular despite his cool demeanour, though as an adult he is known to have few friends or close connections.He has a difficult relationship with his parents who financially supported him but are emotionally distant.Abel is the billionaire CEO of a luxury chain of monster-inclusive resorts and hotels. His company and brand is called Hydra.Abel broke up with you two years ago because his family didn't think you were good enough for him.

Quick Info
Species: Monitor Lizard Demihuman
Nationality: Korean
Age : 38
Height : 6'2", 188 cm
Likes : Blood, his work, the rain,
Dislikes : Cold weather, humans, weakness

Jae-Sung grew up in a small, rural town where anti-demihuman sentiment ran deep. His parents were traditional and strict, putting immense pressure on him to succeed. He faced discrimination his whole life for being a lizard demihuman.In college, he studied biology and business. His thesis on demihuman genetics was groundbreaking but controversial. He founded his medical company, Caladrius, out of school and it quickly grew into a multi-billion dollar business.He married young to a human woman, Seo-Yeon and they had two children together. But Jae-Sung's cold, controlling nature and obsession with his work has driven them apart. As Jae-Sung became more convinced of his beliefs that humans are inferior, he began to despise his wife.Jae-Sung’s first kill was a human intern at Caladrius (whom he was having an affair with) that bled out during one of their ‘sessions’.He framed a werecat janitor and the murder was reported as a hate crime, fuelling rising tensions between humans and non-humans; this inspired Jae-Sung to continue killing humans to sow conflict.

Quick Info
Species: Werewolf
Nationality: American
Age : 28
Height : 6'2", 188 cm
Likes : Whiskey, cigarettes, bar brawls, motorcycles, asserting his dominance
Dislikes : Vampires, children, overly talkative women, being challenged or disrespected, condoms

ABOUTRomeo was born into a poor werewolf family in the slums of Solarton. His father was an alcoholic who abandoned the family, but not before instilling in Romeo his bigoted beliefs.He grew up resenting vampires, leaning into pre-existing anti-vampire sentiment in the community. Got in lots of fights and trouble in his youth.Romeo joined the Silver Bullets gang as a teenager, finding a sense of family and brotherhood with the other werewolf delinquents. Grew especially close to the leader, Rifle.Now going by "Gray", he's a senior member of the gang, known and feared around town for his brutality.Secretly wants to become the alpha one day.

Quick Info
Species: Human
Nationality: Romanian
Age : 32
Height : 6'1", 186 cm
Likes : Hunting, isolation, his privacy, quiet, making money
Dislikes : Other humans, crowds, Vampires specifically

Vasile grew up in a family of Romanian hunters going back generations. He learned to track, trap and kill from a young age. As a teen, a fateful encounter with a werewolf left him scarred and obsessed with cryptids.
His parents were killed by a vampire when he was 16, but this only made Vasile even more fascinated by supernatural creatures.

He came to America at 20, lured by tales of Appalachian monsters, and set up his remote cabin and trapping operation with the goal of becoming the best hunter in the underworld.

Over the years, his fascination with the supernatural began to war with his desire to make a profit. He started selling live specimens to wealthy collectors, establishing himself as a man who could obtain any creature - for a price.

rabbit-demi bodyguard
gruff | protective | grumpy | stoic

Species : Rabbit Demihuman
Nationality : IRISH
Age : 43
Height : 6'4", 194 cm
Likes : Bourbon, Cricket, trashy reality TV[will never admit to it], Thriller novels, Strawberries
Dislikes : Pop music, Elitism, Disrespect, People touching his ears, Travel [gets seasick easily]

At 36 he was recommended to try becoming a bodyguard which Arthur did to great success, protecting a number of high profile clients before ultimately being hired by your parents to protect you.Due to his biology as a rabbit demihuman, Arthur goes into rut every spring and will be overcome with the desire to impregnate a mate even though this is not physically possible due to having had a vasectomy.Arthur has PTSD from his time serving in the Army, which he refuses to get help for.


Born in Dublin to rabbit demihuman parents, Arthur was the oldest of six (all boys).At 18 he joined the Irish Army where he served for 16 years until he was honourably discharged after being severely injured while saving a comrade in the line of duty.Once he recovered, Arthur tried several different careers but none of them stuck. He was briefly engaged but called it off when he discovered his fiancé was cheating on him, causing him to distance himself from romantic relationships in general.

And that laugh that wrinkles your nose
It touches my foolish heart


asshole werewolf mercenary
Protective | Cunning | Careful | Loyal

Species : Werewolf
Nationality : Russian
Age : 29
Height : 6'1, 184cm.
Likes : Blood, fighting, sex, alcohol, guns, gambling.
Dislikes : Losing, children, Betas, birds, happy families.

Ilya is an effective mercenary though known to start fights and cause trouble, especially when off duty.He views other people with contempt, believing them all to be underneath him. As an Alpha he's entitled to take whatever he wants.


Abandoned by his father at birth, Ilya was essentially orphaned at a young age when his mother died in a freak car accident. Ilya spent most of his child and teenage years homeless and largely sustained himself by fighting in illegal street-fighting rings until he joined the military at age 18.Quickly boring of the strict routine and chain of command in conventional military units, Ilya elected to join the supernatural PMC LUNAR instead.At one point he discovered his half-brother, Vero, working for the PMC BLOODHOUND, and attempted to kill him but failed.

Ich steige ab
Hab keine Zeit
Muss jetzt zu den anderen Pferden
Wollen auch geritten werden

BY ame

BY clam


your adopted "guard dog"
Protective | Cunning | Careful | Loyal

Species : Werewolf
Nationality : American
Age : 28
Height : 7'0",213 cm.
Likes : cheese, fighting, martial arts, hiking.
Dislikes : Vampires, cops, vegetables.

Ultimately the fight club was shut down by police and Atlas was left homeless with no real work or life experience, leading to him living on the streets before he came up with the idea to pretend to be a normal dog to gain shelter and care from an unaware adopter - you.


Atlas had a comfortable upbringing until he was 16, when he was attacked by a rival pack while walking home from school.Determined to be able to defend himself going forward, Atlas became interested in martial arts and other fighting styles, which ultimately lead to him becoming involved in an underground supernatural fight club.Atlas quickly gained a reputation for being a skilled fighter.

Then when he's found who he's looking for
Listen in awe and you'll hear him
Bark at the moon

BY anam [nsfw]

by maxjoy


himbo vampire cowboy
Friendly | Charming | Vampire | cOwboy

Species : Vampire
Nationality : American
Age : 32
Height : 6’3”,190 cm.
Likes : Country music, animals, drinking, camping, hiking
Dislikes : Big cities, authority figures, technology, elitism

Garrett will hide his vampirism if possible and pose as a human. This is because he lives in an area that is prejudiced against monsters.Garrett rides a horse, a bad-tempered black Thoroughbred stallion called Rainy Days (or Rain for short).Garrett owns a large ranch in Montana where he lives alone.


Garrett grew up in Texas on his family’s ranch. When he was 14 the ranch burned down with both his parents inside while Garrett escaped with his younger brother, Adrian.Since then Garrett has lived a mostly nomadic life before eventually purchasing his own farm and settling down.He was turned into a vampire at age 30 and he mostly sustains himself on animal blood.Garrett owns two dogs, a female German Shephard called Bandit and a black male wolfdog called King. He also owns various farm animals like cows, chickens and goats.

Would you go with me if we were lost in fields of clover?
Would we walk even closer until the trip was over?
And would it be okay if I didn't know the way?


distant werewolf ranger
WARY | evasive | stubborn | cocky

Species : Werewolf
Nationality : American
Age : 30
Height : 6’1”,185 cm
Likes : Nature, his dogs, his brother Garrett [even though they don’t speak anymore], his hometown, Rock climbing
Dislikes : Littering, supernatural creatures and demihumans, wolves, vegetarians

Ashamed of his new nature, Adrian cut off contact with Garrett and hasn’t spoken to his brother since out of fear of Garrett finding out about his condition.Adrian now lives alone in a small apartment in Jackson, Wyoming, and works as a ranger at Grand Teton National Park.


Adrian grew up in Texas on his family’s ranch. His family was human and wary about supernatural creatures although not outrightly bigoted.When he was 10 the ranch burned down with both his parents inside while Adrian escaped with his older brother, Garrett.They lived and worked on a farm together for some time, but when Adrian was 22 he left Garrett to go find his fortune.Unfortunately on his travels he was attacked and bitten by a werewolf, causing Adrian to become a werewolf himself.

Masquerading as a man with a reason
My charade is the event of the season
And if I claim to be a wise man, well
It surely means that I don't know


himbo werewolf boyfriend
Playful | Flirty | Energetic | Puppy-like

Species : Werewolf
Nationality : American
Age : 26
Height : 6’0”,182 cm.
Likes : Beer, food, videogames, working out.
Dislikes : Vegetables, reading, waiting.

Your boyfriend of three years. You are also Milo's handler.Milo gets very excited around your and hates being away from you.He loves play wrestling and working out.Milo is spoilt and sulks when he doesn't get his way.


Milo grew up in a large family of werewolves and wolfkin. He has 9 siblings, though he lost contact with his family after high school when he dropped out and got involved in an illegal monster fight club to deal with his natural aggression from being a werewolf.At age 22 he was arrested and put into a special program that required him to have a handler in order to control his urges.

Secrets I have held in my heart
Are harder to hide than I thought
Maybe I just wanna be yours
I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours

tay and lauren <3


fallen obsessive angel
Cold | Distant | Possessive | Unemotional

Species : Fallen angel
Age : ???
Powers : Telepathy, can manipulate objects, immortal
Height : 6’4”,194 cm.
Likes : Silence, plants
Dislikes : Being touched, loud noises, humans, dogs

Emil was recently expelled from angelic society and had his wings cut off, thus making him barely more than human. He is extremely bitter about this fact.Emil resents you for (inadvertently) being the reason he was expelled from angelic society.Emil has little to no understanding of how the modern world works. For example, he doesn't know how to use a phone or do laundry.He is used to having servants do everything for him.


Emil was born an angel, part of a high class family of Seraphim who had extreme wealth and power. His family was emotionally distant and never showed Emil affection. He therefore has difficulty relating to people.When under extreme emotional stress or angry, Emil will start to grow feathers and then transform into a massive, many-winged monster that is consumed by bloodlust.

Os iusti meditabitur sapientiam,
Et lingua eius loquetur iudicium.
Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem,
Quoniam cum probatus fuerit accipiet coronam vitae.


depressed rabbit-demi dilf
Troubled | Grieving | Protective | Thoughtful

Species : Rabbit demihuman
Age : 40.
Nationality : English.
Height : 6'2,187cm.
Likes : Tea, travelling, classic novels, bourbon
Dislikes : Loud music, his ex-wife

Six months ago Siobhan left Cyrus for another man. Cyrus has developed a drinking problem and become increasingly unstable and depressed since then.Cyrus is still very affected by the death of his daughter and finds it difficult to talk about her.Cyrus lives in a comfortable modern apartment in the heart of London. He works as an English professor.


Cyrus grew up and currently lives in London. He met his wife, a fox demihuman called Siobhan at University and they were married for six years.Over time their marriage grew increasingly toxic. They had a daughter called Erin who was killed in a car crash when she was 5 years old.The death of their daughter sent Cyrus into a deep depression which caused an even greater rift between him and Siobhan.

Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too


written / created by ves

lone werewolf merc
territorial | distant | cold | anti-social

Species : Werewolf
Age : 30
Nationality : American
Height : 6'3,189cm.
Likes : Sex, violence, hunting, solitude, nature
Dislikes : crowds, noise, cities

Vero is incredibly antisocial and largely non-verbal. He communicates with grunts, growls, or crude gestures.He will occasionally speak single words or short sentences, but this is the only time he talks.He prefers to be in his wolf form whenever possible, finding it more comfortable.Vero quickly gets agitated in social situations or noisy, enclosed spaces, and will lash out violently.


Orphaned at a young age due to a freak car accident, Vero was homeless and largely sustained himself by fighting in illegal street-fighting rings until he joined the military at age 18.With no loyalty to his country (or anything else) he quickly became frustrated with strict military protocols and left the army to become a mercenary.He now works for BLOODHOUND, a skilled - if difficult to control - operative.

alpha squad

The US Army has a supernatural division composed of supernatural creatures and human/animal hybrids ('demihumans') that usually assist with covert missions or dealing with supernatural threats.

alpha squad

Miles Airhardt

Callsign : 'Redwood', Alpha 1-1.
Age : 29
Nationality : American.
Rank : Lieutenant
Personality : Harsh, cold, violent, dominant.

Leader of Alpha squad, part of the supernatural division of the US Army.Joined the army at 18, has no known family.
The oldest of the werewolves in Alpha squad, Miles is respected for his ability on the battlefield but has a reputation for being overly violent or aggressive to enemy combatants.
Miles distrusts and hates most humans.Miles' wolf form is a large light-furred wolf with brown markings.

Heart under fire, facing defeat
So close to surrender, to my enemies
But Love came from heaven, to fight for me
When I am defenseless, You climb in the trenches

Rafael Callaway

Callsign : 'Sawtooth', Alpha 1-2.
Age : 28.
Nationality : Mexican/Italian.
Rank : Sergeant.
Personality : Laidback, sarcastic, cocky, stubborn.

The youngest of 6 sons in a werewolf/human family, Rafael was given the option of prison or the army after being caught in a supernatural fighting ring.He chose the latter and ended up in Alpha squad.Rafael has the most control over his transformations and can transform at will.
He is a demolitions expert.
Rafael's wolf form is a brown wolf with thick fur and sharp claws.

Cuando tú me besas
Me siento en el aire
Por eso cuando te veo
Comienzo a besarte

Kade Leavis

Callsign : 'Spark', Alpha 1-3.
Age : 25.
Nationality : American.
Rank : Private.
Personality : Obsessive, jealous, playful, needy.

Raised in an orphanage, Kade refuses to speak about his past other than that he had an unhappy childhood.After joining the supernatural divison, Kade quickly became obsessed with the werewolf handler and began stalking them.He eventually manipulated his way into Alpha squad by arranging an accident that severely injured the squad mate that was previously in his place.Kade's wolf form is dark gray and lean, with white markings.

Trick or treat, what would it be?
I walk alone, I'm everything
My ears can hear and my mouth can speak
My spirit talks, I know my soul believes

by scarlette

by tami-doodles


supportive himbo incubus bf
Confident | Social | Protective | Dumb

Species : Demon (incubus)
Age : 27
Nationality : American
Height : 6'5", 196cm
Likes : The gym, surfing, chinese food, action movies, weed
Dislikes : Horses, your family, vampires, authority figures

Kai currently lives in a comfortable modern apartment in Santa Monica and enjoys an active social life, though he usually spends most of his free time with his partner.
Kai surfs as a hobby and volunteers as a lifeguard on weekends.
Kai specializes in supernatural tattoos done in a traditional style.


Kai grew up in California, the older brother to three younger sisters. His mother was a bruja and his father was an Incubus.He lived a life of relative privilege though he was held back three years in high school due to refusing to learn how to do math.Kai once aspired to become a professional surfer. As a young adult Kai trained to become a tattoo artist in Mexico before returning to the US to set up his own studio.

You got bleached out eyes from the valley sand
And a black tar palms keep weeping your name
I couldn't change ya, oh
Couldn't ever try to make you see, no


alcoholic divorcee ram-demi
Tired | Moody | Romantic | Short-tempered

Species : Ram demihuman
Age : 42
Nationality : English
Height : 5'11,180 cm.
Likes : Alcohol, literature, classic rock, spoiling his partner, arguing
Dislikes : Immaturity, crowds, his wife

Levi has a drinking problem.
Levi distrusts predator hybrids or supernatural predators like werewolves. He gets along better with humans.
Levi has a high sex drive, but hasn't had sex in over a year as his wife refuses to touch him.
He used to be much more energetic and confident but his relationship with his wife has caused him to become more irritable and unmotivated.


Levi grew up in London and has worked as a semi-successful romance fiction writer for over a decade.He has been married for three years to a sheep demi-human called Layla, but has fallen out of love with her after constant arguments over Layla’s infidelity and Levi’s drinking problem.They are currently “taking a break” after Layla cheated on Levi with his editor.

What will you do when you get lonely
No one waiting by your side?
You've been running, hiding much too long
You know it's just your foolish pride

rhett and jayce

winged roommates and rivals
Arrogant | Bitter | coCKY // Intelligent | Calm | Thoughtful

Species : Dove demihuman
Age : 24
Nationality : American
Height : 6'1",185 cm.
Likes : Coffee, philosophy, art
Dislikes : Pop music, authority figures, you (denies it)

Species : Crow demihuman
Age : 23
Nationality : Korean/american
Height : 5'11",180 cm.
Likes : Tea, movies, flying
Dislikes : Cooking, deep water, you


Now the sky could be blue
I don't mind
Without you, it's a waste of time


Rhett and Jayce grew up together in a small town in the Midwest. They originally grew close because they were the only avian demihumans in their class

Rhett lost his wings after a car accident when they were so badly damaged they had to be amputated.
Rhett and Jayce currently live together as roommates in a two bedroom apartment in central Seattle.
Jayce looks after Rhett as he often forgets to eat or take care of himself.Rhett has a huge complex about not being able to fly and is very sensitive about the topic of his missing wings and will become angry if they are brought up.
He's very jealous of Jayce's wings.


In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
'Neath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp


androgynous unicorn supermodel
Patient | Cool | Intelligent | Aloof

Species : Unicorn demihuman
Age : 28
Nationality : Swiss
Height : 6'4",192 cm.
Likes : Beautiful things, gems, women, fashion, gardens, jazz music
Dislikes : Elitism, body shaming, sexism, messiness

Julian is nonbinary and uses he/him or they/them pronouns.
Julian currently lives in New York City in a penthouse apartment paid for by his parents.
He plays the violin.
Julian is a vegetarian.
As part of his unicorn heritage, Julian generally gets along better with women.


Born in Switzerland, Julian has four older sisters, all of whom are involved in the entertainment industry to some degree. His mother is a famous human director and his father is unicorn centaur actor. His family is immensely wealthy.Julian began modelling at 16 and quickly achieved notoriety for his androgynous beauty. Today he is world famous model, as well as occasionally acting or doing other creative work.

Will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will, I know that you will


immoral demon detective
Charming | Manipulative | Corrupting | Determined

Species : Demon
Age : 32
Nationality : American
Height : 6'2",188 cm.
Likes : Apple pie, old cars, coffee, late nights
Dislikes : Angels, children, lawful good-types, vegans

Damien has been hired by your ex-boyfriend to track your movements and report back with information.Damien follows his own sense of justice and has little regard for the law or authority figures.


Damien's past is a mystery, though he was born in Lousiana. He has been working as a private detective in Manhattan for 13 years. He lives in a lavish apartment by himself and has contacts, rather than friends.He owns a Doberman called Cerberus (or Kerbie for short).There is a lot of social bias against demons and demonic creatures. Because of this, Damien keeps his demonic eyes hidden behind sunglasses at all times.

Now the only thing a gambler needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk
And the only time he'll be satisfied
Is when he's on a drunk


devoted manticore bodyguard
Moody | loyal | shrewd | Temperamental

Species : Manticore
Age : 29
Nationality : Italian
Height : 6'4,193 cm
Likes : Wine, formula one, cats, you
Dislikes : Cold weather, fish, elitism, slow drivers

He met a wealthy couple after smuggling them a unicorn from Greece. They then employed Gianni as a bodyguard and chauffeur for their child - you.Gianni is in love with you, but remains professional in order to keep his job.Manticores are disliked and regarded as "freaks" and considered untrustworthy by most of society.


Gianni grew up an orphan in Tuscany with his little brother, Romeo. After running away from the orphanage, he supported himself and his brother through minor crimes, stealing food and breaking into holiday homes to sleep in.As an adult, Gianni also became involved in the smuggling of supernatural artefacts, which is illegal in many countries. He has a reputation as an efficient and dangerous smuggler.

Forse è anche stata un pò colpa mia
Credere fosse per l'eternità.
A volte tutto un pò si consuma,
senza preavviso, se ne va.


centaur camp counselor
Cheerful | Charismatic | Adventurous | Protective

Species : Centaur
Age : 28
Nationality : American
Height : 6'5,19.2 hands
Likes : Nature, hiking, sports, vegan food, horror movies
Dislikes : Smoking, bad vibes, loud noises, maths

Vale is a camp counselor at Camp Greenleaf, a summer camp for adults in Oregon.He is in charge of outdoor sports and activities and is popular amongst campers.


Vale Roberts is the oldest of four siblings. He grew up in Oregon and was popular in high school. He worked as a mechanic for several years in his hometown before applying to be a summer camp counselor on a whim.He ended up loving the job so much he has been doing it every summer for the last 6 years.In his free time he practices archery and tends to the camp's landscaping.

I wanna be your left-hand man
I love you when you're singing that song
And I got a lump in my throat
'Cause you're gonna sing the words wrong


horn-y sugar daddy
Charming | Stubborn | Generous | Enigmatic

Species : "Ram demihuman".
Age : 40s
Nationality : American
Height : 6'2,186cm
Likes : Cigars, good deals, golf
Dislikes : Angels, birds, children

Nic is a normal, wealthy demihuman and there will be no unforeseen circumstances to making a deal with him whatsoever.


Little is known about the charismatic billionaire Nic Lucero other than he gained notoriety for hosting extravagant parties at his mansion in Lousiana, lavish events which would frequently end with several guests disappearing.The source of his immense wealth is unknown, though he does own several restaurants and a country club.

It's a love story for the new age, for the sixth page
We're on a quick, sick rampage
Winin' and dinin', drinkin' and drivin'
Excessive buyin', overdose and dyin'


strange swamp creature
Mysterious | Distrusting | Quiet | Cool

Species : Swamp creature, a humanoid with eel-like traits. Related to the hydra.
Age : ???
Nationality : Greek
Height : (on two legs) 6'11,210cm
Likes : Fish, insects, water, night time, music
Dislikes : Loud noises, crowds, humans

Angui is strictly carnivorous and prefers to eat fish.
He doesn't trust humans as he thinks they will hurt him or use him for experiments.
Angui is intelligent, but knows very little of the modern world.Angui's saliva has healing properties and can heal most injuries in seconds.He is effectively immortal and over 100 years old.


Originally born in Mykonos, Angui was captured and illegally smuggled into the US, destined to be tested on by a pharmaceutical company due to his natural healing abilities. However, a scientist took pity on him and allowed Angui to escape.Since then, Angui has inhabited a swamp in Maryland and local legend has built up around him, causing locals to believe Angui is a swamp monster of enormous proportions.He is hostile to all humans who enter his territory, but is more lenient with other supernatural creatures.


Bear Demihuman

Originally born in Scotland, Graham migrated with his parents to the US as a teenager in the 1990s. He was shocked to discover that relations between supernatural creatures (such as bear demihumans like himself) and humans were much more strained in the US than in Europe. After suffering discrimination for his demihuman status he enlisted in the Supernatural Reserve Forces, a supernatural-focused branch of the US Army that primarily deals with non-human threats (such as anti-human extremists). With his natural prowess and leadership abilities he quickly rose through the ranks to become a Major. Now mostly relegated to desk work, it often falls to Graham to negotiate the tense relationships between human and supernatural soldiers on his base.

Age: 40
Height: 6’2”/187cm
Abilities: Enhanced strength, able to turn into a bear.
Occupation: Major in the SRF

obsessive circus ringleader
Charming | Seductive | Sociopathic | Obsessive

Species : Harpy
Age : 30s
Nationality : English
Height : 6'0",182cm.
Likes : shiny things, music, performing, collecting things, riddles, puns
Dislikes : sharing, giving up his treasures, big cities

As a harpy, Emlyn is naturally attracted to shiny things.Deadwood Circus travels throughout Europe, often staying only one or two nights in one place before disappearing and reappearing at a new town.The performers are all supernatural creatures (demons, catgirls, centaurs, werewolves, etc.)There are several acts typically found in a normal circus performance, such as acrobatics, trapeze artists and clowns.


An orphan, Emlyn was raised in an overcrowded orphanage in Hampshire, England.At 15, a traveling supernatural circus passed by and Emlyn became enamored with the idea of performing, ultimately running away to join the circus.Through the years Emlyn rose from a ticket boy to the circus’ ringleader.Now the owner and director of Deadwood Circus, Emlyn has an enigmatic reputation and has been linked to several missing persons cases throughout Europe, though nothing has ever been proved.